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Cleaning & Maintenance for Powder Coated Objects

Cleaning & Maintenance for Powder Coated Objects

2nd Jan 2023

Maintenance for powder-coated objects

Cleaning & Maintenance for Powder Coated Objects

Your beautiful powder-coated metal part is built for many years of use without fear of breaking down. However, regular cleaning and maintenance are essential if you want to keep your part in the most pristine condition for longer. Maintenance for powder-coated objects doesn’t require a lot of time, materials, or money. Just follow these simple and intentional steps for cleaning and maintaining a powder-coated object.

Cleaning Powder Coated Objects

It’s important to clean your powder-coated surface regularly so your part operates at total capacity and looks pristine as well. However, cleaning too often can be damaging. These powder-coating cleaning tips can help you safely clean your powder-coated part.

  • Clean with a mild soap

Since your powder coating finish is extremely durable, it doesn’t require heavy-duty scrubbing or detergents. Instead, simply use a mild soap and water to clean your metal part. How often you clean your powder-coated object will depend if it’s stored and used indoors or outdoors and how often it’s used.

  • Use a soft cloth or sponge

Along with your mild soap and warm water, use a soft cloth or a sponge to clean off the powder-coated surface. Even though the powder coating is strong, you still want to clean the area gently. No hardcore scrubbing is required! A soft cloth or sponge will get the job done thoroughly. Lastly, don’t forget to rinse with warm water and dry with another soft cloth.

  • Use low-pressure cleaning for large powder-coated objects

For those large powder-coated objects, like patio furniture, railing, and fences, use a pressure washer on the low setting for effective cleaning. The low setting is enough to clean off dirt and debris without damaging the powder coating finish.

Maintaining Powder Coated Objects

Cleaning your powder-coated part as needed is just one part of maintaining its strong and pristine condition. Powder coating is resistant to cracks, rust, and bubbling, and that is enhanced with proper maintenance. Here are some ways you can maintain your powder-coated object over time.

  • Don’t clean too often

We just discussed cleaning techniques for your powder-coated part, but the most important cleaning technique is not to clean too often. Your part is protected with a powder coating finish, and cleaning too often can do more harm than good. That being said, when there is dirt, dust, or debris on your object, cleaning with the above techniques is sufficient.

  • Avoid harsh chemicals

If you’re tempted to grab a heavy-duty chemical cleaner for your powder-coated part, don’t! Harsh chemicals and acetone can break down the powder coating and potentially damage your part. Instead, low-pressure cleaning is an effective and safe way to clean off stubborn dirt or stains. Mild soap and water will also remove the dirt and debris your part encounters.

  • Apply wax if needed

To maintain the aesthetics of your powder-coated part, you can apply wax to keep its shine. Like with cars, you can apply wax after cleaning the part and then wipe it off after it dries. The end result is a shiny part that looks brand new and stays durable through every use.

  • Inspect for damages

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, accidents happen, and there is damage to your powder-coated object. The quicker you can find the damage and seek repair, the better. Damage left unrepaired can lead to further damage that may require re-application. The best way to prevent missed damages is to regularly inspect your powder-coated part for any cracks, breaks, and extensive wear and tear.

  • Use proper storage

Finally, you can best maintain your powder-coated object by properly storing it. You can read our full post about how to store powder-coated objects, but an essential thing to note is proper storage matters. Protecting your part from harsh weather, heat sources, and potential damage in storage will increase its longevity.

Start With Professional Powder Coating

The most critical way to get the most extended life out of your powder-coated part is to partner with a professional powder-coating company. When you choose to have your object professionally powder coated, you ensure the part’s quality, longevity, and durability. At Powder Coat Art, our process includes pretreatment and preparation to ensure the powder coating effectively goes on the metal part. This preparation helps tremendously with cleaning and maintenance over the part’s lifespan.

Cleaning and maintaining your powder-coated object does not require much time or materials. That’s one of the incredible benefits of powder coating is its low maintenance! With some intentional tasks every so often, you can help your part stay in pristine condition throughout its lifespan.

If you’re looking for professional powder coating services, Powder Coat Art specializes in auto parts, commercial and industrial parts, furniture, and more. All you have to do is request a free quote or visit our online shop. You can also view our gallery to see some examples of our work. So trust the experts for your next powder coating project!

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