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What is Sandblasting?

What is Sandblasting?

7th Jun 2021


What is Sandblasting?

As you learn more about the powder coating process, you’ll see this other process that happens during powder coating called sandblasting. It sounds pretty intense, and you might even be wondering what this will do to your project. You don’t have to fear though, sandblasting actually improves the quality of your powder coat. Let’s dive in to understand just what sandblasting is and how it works.

Sandblasting Basics

Sandblasting is sandpaper on steroids. Think of a time when you would use sandpaper on your project. You would use sandpaper to make the surface smoother, so your finish adheres more effectively. That’s the same thought with sandblasting, but it uses high-pressurized sand instead. Because of the incredible power of sandblasting, the surface of your object will be even and consistent for the powder coat, even the tiny, hard-to-reach areas.

Why do people have their objects sandblasted? It’s an essential step to powder coating! We’ll get into the process of sandblasting below, but you can’t miss the importance of sandblasting. If you’re investing in a powder coat project, you want it to be done with high quality. Sandblasting is one of the ways you achieve that. The gritty nature of sand allows it to grind away any unnecessary material from the surface of your object. Using sandblasting paves the way to a more even and clean finish of powder coating.

Process of Sandblasting

Once again, you may be thinking with a name like “sandblasting,” the process is quite intense. Sandblasting does use very powerful tools, but it’s a relatively simple process for professionals. Sandblasting consists of three main parts, the abrasive, the air compressor, and the blaster nozzle. The sandblaster is loaded with sand and particles, and then the air compressor works to shoot out the sand on the object to blast off the grime. Sandblasting works to remove oil, old paint, rust, and excess material. You will surely be impressed by the result of sandblasting, but that’s not the end!

Typically, the purpose of sandblasting isn’t just to remove imperfections, although it does a great job at that! The goal is to use sandblasting to prepare the surface for powder coating. After the sandblasting is complete, the next step is to complete the powder coat. It’s crucial to start and finish powder coating right after sandblasting to avoid any rust or dirt getting on the object. The entire process of powder coating is simple and will leave your project looking brand new.

Examples of Sandblasting Applications

A product has to be very durable to be considered a good candidate for sandblasting. We just learned it’s a robust process, so the object must hold up during sandblasting. If you’re wondering if your object is suitable for sandblasting or powder coating, contact us, and we’ll talk through your project. Here are some examples of sandblasting applications that may apply to your project.

  • Remove paint, rust, and corrosion

For some projects, this may be the end goal, and sandblasting does a beautiful job of removing paint, corrosion, rust, and other imperfections. If your object suffers from many flaws, sandblasting is a simple and sure way to remove unwanted debris.

  • Clean large and small objects

Sandblasting is a cleaning tool for many large machines, but you can also use it to clean smaller tools and objects. Think oil, dirt, grease, in addition to the rust and debris mentioned earlier. A professional can remove all of this with sandblasting. An excellent way to keep your object looking in top condition is to move forward with powder coating after sandblasting.

  • Polish and smooth

After you complete sandblasting, you will notice how smooth and polished the surface of your object looks. This is a bonus of sandblasting! Cleaning and removing imperfections is primarily what sandblasting is used for, but you can’t ignore the smooth surface you get in addition to a clean object.

  • Preparation for powder coating

Many times, people choose sandblasting to prep their object for powder coating. Sandblasting for powder coating is what we specialize in! We have a full sandblasting facility at Powder Coat Art. You get all the benefits of these other powder coating applications, but most importantly, it allows for an excellent finish of powder coating. You really shouldn’t have a powder coat completed without first sandblasting.

  • Restore to original condition

Metal objects start to corrode and rust over time; it’s just the nature of the object. You can rely on sandblasting to help bring your object back to its original condition. If this is your goal, then sandblasting is a perfect option.

Sandblasting is an effective process to clean, restore, and prepare your object for powder coating. It’s a relatively straightforward process but packs a lot of power in its components. Reach out to our powder coating team to discuss your project and how sandblasting and powder coating could work for you. Come follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see examples of our work!