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What Is The Best Way To Store A Powder Coated Item?

What Is The Best Way To Store A Powder Coated Item?

7th Nov 2022

storing powder coated items

What Is The Best Way To Store A Powder Coated Item?

When you first receive your newly powder-coated item, it’s a wonderful feeling! Whether this is a new part or a restored item, it feels and looks brand new. Now it’s time to consider storing powder-coated items. The way you store these parts will impact their longevity. Here are some tips for the best way to store your powder-coated part.

Why storage is important

First, we should mention why properly storing your powder-coated part is important. With expert techniques and materials, powder coating is an extremely durable and strong finish. The powder coating finish can withstand plenty of wear and tear, but a good maintenance plan is crucial too. In addition, storing your item safely and securely will help prevent unnecessary damage that may prevent the use or aesthetic of your object. So, now let’s get practical on how to store powder-coated items.

Keep indoors when not in use (if possible)

If you have a small item or part that is powder coated, it’s always best to store it indoors. Keeping your item indoors, in a garage, or in a shed will protect it from the outside elements. If your climate has high humidity or extreme temperatures, it may be a good idea to bring powder-coated items to a temperature-controlled room during those days.

We understand that sometimes storing a powder-coated item indoors isn’t always possible. For example, there may be a lack of storage available, or it may be too large. One option is to store under a cover outdoors, so your items are at least protected from direct sun and rain. However, there are other ways to keep your large powder-coated part outdoors and keep it in pristine condition.

Avoid harsh weather elements

Choosing a professional powder coating company to complete your powder coating project comes with exceptional durability and quality. However, even with skilled application and materials, two things that can hurt your powder-coated items are too much UV exposure and too much moisture. Therefore, storing items away from these harsh weather elements is ideal.

If your part is too large to move inside or under a structure, consider covering it in extreme heat and cold. For example, patio furniture is likely too big to store inside a garage or indoors, so using large covers during the winter or before a heavy rainstorm can help protect it. Also, think about what your powder-coated item may be exposed to and look into temporary storage options to keep it looking great.

Store away from heat sources

When you’re storing your powder-coated item, look at the surroundings. It’s essential to avoid storing your powder-coated parts near heat sources. Heat sources can cause extra humidity to your powder-coated object, which may cause unnecessary corrosion. Avoid the risk of deterioration significantly by keeping your part away from heat sources like heaters.

If you are looking to powder coat an auto part, grill part, or another item that needs to withstand high heat, there is a special type of powder coating available to provide that extra protection. Contact Powder Coat Art to learn more about our high-heat powder coating.

Use proper shelving for the size of the object

Beyond weather elements, proper storage also protects your powder-coated item from potential damage. High-quality powder coating is resistant to scratching, chipping, and other damages, but proper cleaning and maintenance are key. The other way to prevent unnecessary damage is to store it on appropriate shelving.

Keep small powder-coated items off the ground or floor and store them on shelves or hooks. Ensure your powder-coated parts are secure on any shelving or storage furniture to avoid breaking or damage.

Choose a high-quality powder coating partner

As you expand your powder-coated parts, you need a trusted partner to complete your project. Whether you have a one-time project or have an ongoing need, a professional powder coating team will have the resources and tools to give you high-quality results every time. At Powder Coat Art, we set you up for success with our proven preparation, the application process, and high-quality materials. When you have a durable and even powder-coating finish, it makes storing your item much easier!

Powder Coat Art specializes in auto parts, commercial and industrial parts, patio furniture, and more! You can request a quote directly on the Powder Coat Art website or reach out to learn more about our services. What makes Powder Coat Art different is our wide color and texture selection that will fit any aesthetic and function. You can see these colors in action in our gallery of past work! Start the process today, and you will be amazed at our beautiful, durable, and long-lasting powder coating.

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